2025 Autocross Events

Chicago Region SCCA
Regional Autocross/Solo Series
Autocross events (also known as Solo events) are a form of automotive competition in which one car at a time negotiates a prescribed course in the shortest possible time. The autocross events program is intended to provide a large segment of the club with an inexpensive, safe means of testing their driving ability and car performance.

Autocross events are open to almost any vehicle within certain size restrictions, but you’ll find that most are sports cars, compacts or small sedans. The only requirements to compete are a valid state driver’s license and a car which will pass a safety inspection. Competitors under the age of 18 must also have parental consent.
Depending upon your particular interest, there are competitive classes for:
- Street cars which are basically in the identical condition they are driven on the street
- Street Prepared cars which allows the use of after market bolt-on performance items
- Street Touring cars that run some of the more popular after market performance items and compete on OEM type street tires
- Prepared cars which can be prepared the same way as road racing cars
- Street Modified cars that allow non-stock turbochargers and other more “radical” changes from Street
- Modified cars which can be almost anything
The cars in these categories are further divided into designated classes based on their potential performance and handling ability and each driver competes against the other drivers in his or her particular class. Drivers are scored on their fastest time through the course plus any penalties and the top finishers receive trophies.

More serious drivers from each SCCA Region typically compete in National level events around the country as well as the Tire Rack National Championship in Lincoln, Nebraska.