March 2015 REmarks

Posted March 12, 2015
What do YOU want your club to be?
That’s a question asked, in one form or another, by many people, from the Region’s board of directors, to the National board and the paid staff in Topeka. There’s a good chance that in the next few weeks we’ll be sending you a survey asking some questions about what you like about the club, and what we can be doing better, as well as what activities you’d like to see added to the mix.
If you don’t want to wait for a survey and want to let us know what would make Chicago Region more engaging and interesting, more fun for you, drop me a line at: I’d love to hear what you think.
At the SCCA National Convention in February there was a lot of emphasis on making our club more attractive to new members and current members alike by making it easier to get started in the SCCA (lowering some of the hurdles like expense, licensing requirements, etc) and reducing some of the “bureaucracy”. Several new programs were introduced, including Track Night in America – a weeknight evening PDX program that borrows heavily from our own existing PDX format, alternative routes to earning a Competition License, a Chumpcar-like enduro race format with minimal classing rules, and others. Really out-of-box thinking for staid old SCCA…