2017 Autocross Event 1 Review

We had 1,060 scored runs for a first autocross event of the year, and we could only do that with the efforts of all of you! You do not know how much we appreciate it.  Not everything went without a hitch, but we have some good notes and ideas to bring some more efficiencies the next time around.  Event #2 is May 28th!  Registration is open, and will have the same cap of 170, msreg.com/cr-scca-solo-2017-2, and we are still looking for Event Chairs to design and implement the course.  Please pass a note to soloadmin@scca-chicago.com if you are interested.

Did you know we had STIGs during each heat?  We added a work assignment for Event 1, a Strategic Teacher In Grid.  Available for ALL competitors, though they were focusing on the Novices of each heat, ready to hop in for a ride to give pointers and tips.  Please take advantage of these great veterans.  The reports of improvements have been *Very* promising.

The event results are up!  The files are hosted on our website, http://scca-chicago.com/chicago-scca-solo/.  We do have a few updates to run to flip one competitor to T and one to N.  No trophies are going to be removed, just one to be officially listed.  Event #2 will see us implement the PENi Shooutout.  When Novices register in the morning, they can express their interest to volunteer their car into the PENi Shootout, more details to come on the run up to Event #2.

We also had a few photographers we were able to assign to take a LOT of great shots.  Huge thanks to Andy Seipos and Jason Kositarut.  Those can be found here and here: http://andyseipos.com/p220187341https://goo.gl/photos/ZdP3NJrV6FMCHKzdA.  Jason is asking that you simply credit him, the note from Jason:

“Photos from Event #1. It’s heavily skewed towards heat 2/4 but Jim Van Bladel and I tried to arrange things so we could include some heat 1/3 drivers as well.

These are all released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

Basically, you can do whatever you damn well please with them as long as you credit me (I’m too lazy to watermark them so it’s enough to just mention me if somebody asks). If you make any changes, you have to use the same license.”


As you will see, a bunch of nice cars with nice numbers out there!  Some of you opted for tape, but we do have options for you to look nicer such as our Season Sponsor, K&M magnetics!

Hope to see you 5/28!