August 2019 Remarks

Hello Everyone, 

As automotive enthusiasts we probably take our daily driving a “little” more seriously than the average driver. Yes, we apex every ramp, threshold brake from time to time, and maybe carry a gear up to or past the normal shift rpm but never street race or recklessly drive in and out of lanes. We know the dangers and are smart enough to save it for the track. Many other drivers treat the roads as their personal grooming arena, continue to text and drive, and fail to share the road with others. They run up the lane that is closing ahead, because they are more important than everyone else and force everyone else to yield to their stupidity and aggression. 

Most of us have years and years of driving experience on and off the road and have been able to avoid the disasters of these special drivers and other unforeseen dangers like deer, road debris, and mechanical breakage. Imagine learning to drive in today’s environment of crazy drivers and never ending construction. We are trying to help by hosting Street Survival schools. With the help of Chicagoland Speedway(Route 66), Knight Trucking, the national sponsors and most importantly some of our Chicago Region members.

The next Street Survival is August 10 and we need your help as instructors and helpers. You don’t have to be a racing instructor to be a coach. There is an online tutorial that will walk you through what you need to know. You can also help man the stations like the skid pad or brake and turn or several others. Helpers and coaches can register at and Students can register at 

Thank you in advance for your help! 

See our website for upcoming Geneva Concours d’Elegance car show and many other racing events, you know the drill. Come out and have fun with cars. 

Chris Gregor
Regional Executive
Chicago Region SCCA