Chicago Region SCCA Solo Supplemental Regulations

Effective 1/1/2020

General Event Regulations 

  1. Events will be conducted in compliance with the current SCCA National Solo Rules except where modified by these Supplemental Regulations or the Event Flyer.
  2. All entrants, workers and spectators must sign a Release and Waiver of Liability upon entering the event site; anyone failing to do so will be asked to leave.
  3. All participants are required to ask for and fulfill a work assignment. Failure to work could result in disqualification (see #14 below). Only an Event Chairperson is authorized to relieve someone from fulfilling a work assignment. If there is a reason a person can’t work, they must have an Event Chairperson’s authorization. Another qualified person may fulfill a work assignment for a competitor with the event chairperson’s approval. If approved, a future additional work assignment could be granted for a subsequent event.
  4. Tech Procedures: Take car and helmet(s) with you to tech. All cars must be in the tech line or inspected no later than 8:40AM. Chicago Region offers an Annual Tech for members at the Tech Chief’s discretion.  Tech Chief will consider the experience of the member and the condition of the race car in their determination.  All wheel center caps will be checked during the Technical Inspection, and all loose caps must be removed. Have car numbers and classes properly displayed on both sides of the car prior to tech. Cars running in the Chicago Region Supplemental Street Tire Classes will simply display a “T” for Tire Limited class, an “N” for Novice class or an “L” for Open Ladies class.
  5. All drivers are responsible for properly displaying and maintaining their own car numbers and classes. If your car number or class designation is incorrect or illegible at speed, you may not be allowed to run.  The Event Chair retains the right to forfeit any runs you are pulled from the line for.
  6. There are no practice runs. You may walk the course as often as time allows. The course will be closed for walking at 8:50AM. If possible, the club will organize one or more “Expert walks” consisting of a guided course walk from one of our more accomplished drivers talking through how they would drive the course. These “Expert Walks” may be on course beyond this close, as well as morning workers. Those competitors that stretch this restriction without prior approval from an Event Official may have punishment levied at an Event Chairperson’s discretion.
  7. The 9:00AM Drivers’ Meeting is mandatory for all drivers and workers unless authorized by an event chairperson. All drivers and workers are required to be aware of and follow any special instructions given at the meeting. 
  8. The running order may be changed before the start of the event to more evenly distribute cars and work assignments. Cars running in the Chicago Region Novice and Ladies classes will run with their regular car class. Unless other arrangements are specifically made with an event chairperson, cars must run with their classes. Failure to do so may result in a DNF for that run. 
  9. “Split-Heats” are used in the Chicago Region to better accommodate two-driver cars. The single car would take runs within both halves of the heat for these two-driver situations. The run order between drivers is at their discretion, however neither driver may take the other drivers run allotment for the heat without express consent of an Event Chairperson.  All two-driver cars will grid at the front of the grid in the designated two-driver area; the end of the two-driver area is marked by a double-cone. Two-driver cars can be “gridded” on either side of the split-grid in the two-driver area. Two-driver cars do not have to “change sides” when changing drivers at the end of the half, they just change numbers. If event attendance is low, an event chairperson may choose to not to run split-heats. 
  10. There will be a minimum of three runs per event day, with the official number of runs announced prior to the start of the last complete run. In a typical operation day, this would mean before the first driver to take a 6th run in Heat 3, it would be announced if there would be a 7th run.  Though it is typical for Chicago Region to have 3 runs in a morning Heat and 3 runs in an afternoon heat, conditions and equipment malfunction may prevent us from accomplishing this.  Equal number of scored runs among a class is guaranteed.  DNS and DNF runs will not factor into this.  See #18 for Weather Policy for additional comment.
  11. Loaner helmets will be available in trailer. A collateral of your Driver’s License is needed for use of these Loaners.  It is possible more Loaner Helmets are needed than available.  Please listen for instruction for return of helmets potentially after your half, or your heat.  Passenger Helmets will only be offered if excess exists beyond the needs of the competitors. 
  12. Drivers may choose to stop on course to point out an out of position cone. Drivers that stop for out of position cones are eligible to receive a rerun as long as they haven’t already received a DNF call on the course. After stopping for an out of position cone, drivers should proceed through the course to the finish at a pace fast enough to avoid causing a stopping hazard, but at a pace that is less than full competition speeds.  That driver may skip elements to proceed as needed.  If the driver is deemed unsafe in how they finish this run or how they skip elements, they may have their rerun removed and may be asked to leave the event in extreme circumstances.  If the Driver causes the competitor behind them to have to stop as well, they may have their rerun revoked at the discretion of the Event Chairpersons if actions are deemed willful or unnecessary.
  13. Unofficial times will be posted through live timing at when possible. Times include any penalties. Do not interfere with the timing personnel during the event. Questions about times must be directed to the event chairperson(s).  Paper posting is at the discretion of the Event Chairpersons. 
  14. Protests shall be handled in accordance with the SCCA National Solo Rules, unless otherwise specified in this section. The protest fee is thirty dollars ($30.00), and shall accompany the written protest. The protest fee is waived for all protests filed by persons acting in an official capacity. Competitors can be protested for Did Not Work (DNW) violations by any event official and will be evaluated in this same manner as protests filed by other competitors. 
    1. Protest Committee: The Protest Committee for local events will consist of a Solo Board member, an Event Chairperson, and an experienced member of our local autocross community. This committee will be selected on-site on the day of the event as needed. Being a part of the Protest Committee will not replace a “normal” working assignment for the members of the committee. In the event that there is a potential conflict of interest, alternate committee members may be assigned. 
    2. Did Not Work Protests: During the final audit (prior to trophies), the Chief Course Marshall will discuss with the Event Chairpersons all of the DNW protests/assessments to determine if they should be recorded as official DNW violations, or if there may have been inconsistency in the event operations that may have contributed to the DNW assessment. Priority will be given to any DNW assessments that effect the trophy positions of a class. If any of the DNWs assessments are to be upheld, the Protest Committee will attempt to contact the participant(s) on-site or the Solo Board member on the Protest Committee will contact them via telephone or email after the event. The decisions of the Protest Committee will not delay final audit; anyone subject to a DNW protest will be listed in the final audit as “UR” (under review) so trophies can be presented. An appeal by the participant can be made directly to the Solo Chairman via email or telephone within 48 hours of the event. The Solo Board will hear any appeal and determine a response within 5 days after the event. The Solo Board’s decision will be considered final. 
  15. Official results will not be mailed to entrants. Results will be posted as soon after the event as possible on the region’s website: Season points will be awarded in accordance with the Chicago Region Solo Point System which is documented on the region’s website.
  16. Trophies will be awarded in accordance with the SCCA National Solo Rules, except that one or two car classes will be combined (Open and Ladies) and scored using the current PAX/RTP Index. Chicago Region does not mail trophies. Chits will be awarded in lieu of trophy, if desired. The chit may be applied to online registration as a credit to your account for later use. If you cannot attend the trophy presentation, please arrange to have someone accept your trophy or disposition of your chit.  Amount of chit offered is at the Solo Board’s discretion.
  17. Registration fees must be paid through Motorsports Reg, or with Cash for Late Registrants.  The club does not accept check payment or credit card through the Registration Team on event day. 
  18. Chicago Region follows the National Rulebook standard for operation within weather conditions.  The Event Chairpersons and the Safety Steward reserve the right to cancel the event, or cease event operations if conditions are unsafe or if Lightning does not appear to be stopping within typical daylight.  The event is official is 3 scored runs occur.  If less than 3 runs are able to be completed, refunds will be offered for attendees.  If operations must cease, each class will have the same number of scored runs if this action occurs during class competition.  *This does not apply to overall PAX*.  Overall PAX is not a class competition guaranteed by the club.
  19. The Chicago Region will allow a one-time accommodation for a member to take all estimated scored runs in their morning session.  Their work assignment(s) must be completed, have an approved replacement worker, or have an approved accommodation to work an additional “shift” at a subsequent event.  It is not the duty of the Event Chairpersons to assist any member in this accommodation.  If afternoon conditions differ, the Event Chairpersons reserve the right to DNF the additional runs taken in the morning session.
  20. In the event of a competition car no longer in condition to participate, the competitors may find an alternate vehicle.  It will not be the duty of any Event official to assist the competitor in this endeavor.  The vehicle used must satisfy the rules of the official scored class for the competitor.  If the Competitor must change the scored class they are competing within, this must be announced to Event Chairpersons prior to that new competition vehicles first scored run.  A changed class will then require a forfeit of prior scored runs as DNF.  This decision cannot be changed after that first run with the replacement vehicle is taken.  A competitor not formally announcing a change in classing will be assumed to have intended to continue competition in their original scored class.  If the vehicle does not satisfy the ruleset of that Class, the runs will be scored DNF.

Safety and Conduct Event Regulations 

  1. Alcoholic beverages and narcotics are strictly prohibited. Anyone under the influence will be disqualified and ejected with no refund. This includes drivers, crews and spectators. Drivers are responsible for their guests and crews. 
  2. Any participant violating any speed limit or stop area; or displaying unsportsmanlike conduct, will be disqualified without refund. The speed limit in grid or paddock is 5 MPH. Remember to return to your grid or paddock spot at a safe speed after your run.  Glancing at your time is not an excuse.  Event Chairpersons retain the discretion to skip a warning before disqualification.
  3. Tire warm-ups will not be tolerated anywhere on the event site, or near the event site. Those found doing tire warm-ups will be disqualified and ejected from the event without refund. 
  4. Any competitor who is consistently over-driving their car can be disqualified (DSQd) if in the opinion of the solo safety steward they pose a risk to the safety of others. A DNF will be scored for one or more tires off the asphalt (in the grass). Any standing cone hit after the finish will be scored the same as cones hit on course. 
  5. A red flag will be displayed by a course worker if a hazard appears on the course. Bring your car to a safe and immediate stop and wait for instructions from the worker. A rerun will be given if there has been no DNF prior to encountering the “stop” situation. 
  6. Pets at Events: All pets must be kept on a 6’ maximum length leash at all times. Pets must be under the control of their owner, kept inside the owner’s vehicle, or securely tied up in a specially designated pet owner paddock area that is away from the normal flow of people between paddock, grid and bathrooms. No pets are allowed in grid or on course during the event. Pets can only be walked on course during course walks by their owners. Pets should not be brought to drivers meetings, trophy presentations or other heavily trafficked areas unless they are kept in the owners vehicle or a safe distance away from others.  No feces or urination on the course will be tolerated, and would lead to the animal being banned from this and future events.  A competitor that does not make effort to clean up after their animal will be dis-qualified and ejected with no Refund.  The solo board reserves the right to ban any animal from future solo events at its’ discretion by a majority vote of the board following any incident involving the animal that they feel poses a future threat to the safety of others.  Service Animals would be allowed in Grid, provided they are leashed and under control of a human at all times. 
  7. There is no smoking in Grid, including Vaping products.  Event Chairpersons reserve the right to eject or otherwise punish scored runs for smokers who do not display respect for other attendees who do not want to be near their smoke/vape.
  8. All minor children should be accompanied by adults at all times on the event site.  All children under 5 should be physically guided at all times if walking through any event areas.  All Children under 5 are not allowed in grid at anytime unless held by an adult.  All Minor children are not allowed on course.

Season Points Scoring

  1. The first-place position for each class receives 100 points. The remaining entrants all have their times divided by the winners to get the awarded point total.
    • Example: Winner has time of 55.000 seconds. Second place has time of 57.250 seconds. 55.000 (winning time) / 57.250 (2nd place time) = .961 x 100 (point scale) = 96.1 points.
  2. The best events for each entrant will counts towards the respective class title. The number of events used shall be based on the following:
    • 5 event season = 4 best events.
    • 6 event season = 4 best events.
    • 7 event season = 5 best events.
    • 8 event season = 5 best events.
    • 9 event season = 6 best events.
    • 10 event season = 6 best events
    • 11 event season = 7 best events
  3. The best events for each entrant will counts towards the Overall “PAX” scoring. The top 20 positions will be awarded that finishing position as an available number for the following season.  The number of events used shall be based on the following:
    • 5 event season = 4 best events.
    • 6 event season = 4 best events.
    • 7 event season = 5 best events.
    • 8 event season = 6 best events.
    • 9 event season = 6 best events.
    • 10 event season = 7 best events
    • 11 event season = 8 best events
  4. The total class trophies issued will be based on the number of qualifying competitors for the class similar to the event trophy rules (3 competitors would mean 1 trophy, 7 would mean 3, etc.)  The minimum qualifying number of events will be the same as the number of scored “best” events for this purpose.  Any competitors who average a 96 will be awarded a trophy regardless as the above.