Chicago Region Solo
Annual Tech Procedure
Chicago Region will continue to use an Annual Tech system for our “seasoned members”. The purpose of this system is twofold: 1) as a convenience toour regular member competitors; and 2) to āease upā the tech line on the morning of each event.
The procedure is simple, a card carrying SCCA member will present their car for tech, ready to compete. Numbers and class designation must be in place, the tires the car will normally compete on must be mounted on the car, the car may not be on a trailer, etc. The driver must have run either five Chicago Region, SCCA or five Tri-State Sports Car Council Solo events during the previous year to be eligible. In addition, a competitor in the car must own and present a current Solo Rule Book (not a printout from the online version). The book must have the competitorās name on the front cover. If the personās name is not on the cover, our tech inspectors will put it there. The Annual Tech inspection will be just as thorough as a our regular event tech, so be prepared. A record of the cars that have been annually teched will be maintained by the Chief of Tech and randomly, throughout the season these same cars may be teched once again. Of course, as always, the Event Chairman, Solo Safety Steward or Chief of Tech can have any car rechecked anytime during the season.
A specially prepared Annual Tech sticker will be applied to the lower portion of the left side windshield or nearby body panel. These stickers are designed to last all season. If for some reason a sticker needs to be replaced, a new one will furnished, at no charge, one time. In the event a sticker needs to be replaced more than once, a $5.00 charge will apply for a new sticker. There is no special helmet sticker for cars in the Annual Tech program, the same sticker will be used for all competitors. This helmet sticker (affixed to the left side of the helmet) is expected to remain on the helmet, and will be recognized, all season.
It is our understanding, at this time, that our Annual Tech sticker will be honored at all Tri-State Sports Car Council, Milwaukee Region and Wisconsin Autocrossers, Inc. Solo events. It is best to inquire at these eventsā registration/checkin table to be sure.