2015 Rocky Waters Tour Review

Posted November 15, 2015
Chicago Region hosted the first event in the G.O.A.T.S. (Get Out And Tour Series) on October 18, 2015. The day broke with clear blue skies and a fall chill in the air. A perfect day which brought together thirty five club members and guest for an enjoyable back roads drive through northern Illinois. The tour began in McHenry, IL. At the local IHOP where entrant’s partook in an early breakfast and morning coffee. The tour began promptly at 9:00 am with cars leaving at their own pace. The route started off with straight roads bordered by acers of corn fields. But it didn’t take long and we found ourselves driving the kind of back roads the Sutton’s are known for finding. Roads lined with colorful fall foliage, elevation changes, and curves, enjoyable sweeping curves. The drive was just shy of 149 miles long and took about 3.5 hours to complete.
The end point was at Rocky Waters Vineyard/Winery located in Hanover, Illinois. Rocky Waters is an award winning small family owned winery on a bluff overlooking the vineyard and the Mississippi River valley. The group had the expansive deck and the great room with a two story stone fireplace to ourselves. Lunch was a build your own sub sandwich, with pasta salad and a large assortment of cookies for desert. Those that took part in the winetasting were presented with several small samples of the wineries best during the lunch as the owners went from table to table poring the wine and providing a descriptive narrative of each.
Everyone had a good time, with many compliments and accolades about the route and the drive. When the group was asked if they do this again there was an arousing YES shouted out.
Watch this site over the winter months as information becomes available for the spring G.O.A.T.S. event planned for April 2016. Just before the area racing season kicks off, it’s the perfect opportunity to shake off the winter doldrums, have a laugh with friends and some genuine FUN.
See pictures from this event :