May 2020 REmarks

“May you live in interesting times…”
Talk about a case of under-promising and over-delivering. I could use a little less interesting at the moment.
While May has been effectively cancelled, we must look forward to June. All of our program staff are committed to putting on our events and have been working to make sure they happen with all of the extra processes and procedures our interesting times now necessitate. Much of these processes and procedures have been gathered and assembled by our national staff at SCCA. While they provide a framework for those putting on the events, they also serve to guide our participants with what to expect. Three general categories have been created and it would be worth your time to review them just to get a sense of what will be new and what will be familiar. Visit the SCCA COVID-19 Guidelines for Events page and follow the links for our 3 main program areas.
The goals of these guidelines is to build in “social distancing” to our events and minimize areas of common contact. One issue that is hard to get around are event waiver forms. It’s one of the last areas where we can’t employ electronic equivalents due to legal reasons. However, there is one way to get out of signing an event waiver at every event — an annual waiver or “hard card”. The national office is recommending that you sign the annual waiver form have it signed by an SCCA official or notary public and emailed to “”.
Finally, I’d like to close with this statement. You’ll be seeing this on just about everything going forward this year.
Notice to Participants: In light of the current COVID-19 situation, every attempt will be made to minimize the risks of exposure to the virus. New processes and procedures are being developed and will be put into place for events going forward.
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to assess the risk to you, both on-track and off, and to make the decision on whether or not to participate. If you are feeling unwell or are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath please stay home. If you have been in contact with someone who has been experiencing these symptoms in the last two weeks, please stay home.
While on site please take the health and safety of your fellow participants, volunteers and staff into consideration and practice social distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer frequently.
See you at the track! (in June)
Erik Vandermey
Regional Executive, Chicago Region SCCA