April General Membership Meeting

The April General Membership Meeting was held on April 18, containing the anticipated content and a welcome surprise. The event started off with a short administrative meeting where we announced the propose nominating committee for the Board of Director positions that will be open this fall, We then turned the floor over to Mark Boden, Business Manager and cofounder of Fall-Line Motorsports and accomplished Grand Am driver, who lead the group on a tour of the facility and entertained questions about the operations and the race team. We drew names for two door prizes; a copy of “Senna” on DVD and a free membership for one of the prospective members in attendance. To our surprise, we had a celebrity in our midsts – Birdie Martin, 63 year member of the SCCA, who was also inducted into the SCCA Hall of Fame in 2010, won the copy of “Senna”! Birdie declined receipt of the movie, stating that he already had a copy. It goes to figure, since he was in the movie! We had a genuine movie star at our event! After the giveaways were awarded, the group watched Senna in its entirety. A HUGE thank you to Fall-Line for hosting our event!