Geneva Councours Gaining Momentum


      Part of Chicago Region’s
Seven Decades of Motorsports
        1948-2018 Celebration


However we still need display cars

This is it, the big event of the year, part of our celebration of our 70th anniversary. Don’t miss out on the fun, and an opportunity to spend an enjoyable day with friends, fantastic automobiles, and sharing our history with Geneva Concours observers. Entries are beginning to roll in, don’t be left out. If you have a vintage sports car or know someone that does, or a vintage or current competition race car with SCCA history, enter it in the concours. If you have a current sports car, something unique that draws attention, don’t be shy, this could be the beginning of its SCCA history, enter it in the concours.

You can access the entry form here or on the Regions web-site under “Geneva Concours d’Elegance 2018”. There are no entry fees, lunch will be provided along with a chance to have fun.

The Geneva Concours has taken place for over a decade and regularly draws over 175 classics, exotics and racecars. The Concours organization is a Not-for-profit (501(c)(3)) organization promoting the art of the automobile to benefit the LIVINGWELL Cancer Resource Center, in Geneva, Illinois.

The concours which takes place on August 26, 2018 (the fourth Sunday of the month) located on south Third St. in Geneva Illinois is a 1 day event. The Chicago Region has asked to participate and will be providing race and sports cars to be on display during the concours. The Region’s display will be our own car show within the Geneva Concours. We will have five trophy categories with one soliciting the general viewing public to vote for their favorite SCCA entered car.   The Region will also be selecting one vehicle from our display to be a recipient of the prestigious Carl Benz Trophy from the Geneva Concours d’Elegance. This vehicle will be presented the trophy during the concours trophy presentation that afternoon along with all of the concours winners. All vehicles in the Region’s display will need to be in place by 9:00 am and remain on display until 4:00 pm. The event takes place rain or shine, and secure tow vehicle parking is available.

This event will be an invitation only event and we hope you will be able to support us. The Chicago Region’s Activities Committee will conduct the selection process based on information provide on the 2018 Concours for Sports Cars Registration Form. In order to be selected for the display you will be required to complete a registration form and provide some written history and photographs of the vehicle. There are no entry fees for this event, the Chicago Region will be paying all entry fees and we are planning to provide lunches for all participants. The Region’s Activities Committee will be contacting the entrants as we begin our selections in April 2018 and provide you with additional details of the event.

The Chicago Region SCCA is looking forward to this very significant automobile event, and truly hopes that you can make the commitment and join us as well.

To register your car for the Geneva Concours, download the registration form.