The Lake Street Walkway
This is the eighth installment in our series showcasing the Historic Markers placed around the original race circuit on the public roads in Elkhart Lake.
As the cars negotiated the race course at the intersection Rhine and Lake they passed directly through the heart of town headed towards Seibkens on Lake Street. Just as the race cars passed Seibkens the course took a downhill hard left followed by a right sweeper that passed along the eastern shore of Elkhart Lake. This section of the track which passed along the lake is in front of what is now the Osthoff Resort and has been closed to vehicle traffic and designated a walking path.
The marker on Lake Street at the “Hard Left” reads “The first sharp corner on the 1951-52 circuit where the road sloped away from the apex making it one of the most dangerous and challenging turns.” This marker was donated by: Siebkens Resort in memory of Ollie Siebken Moeller (Historic Race Circuits of Elkhart Lake). The next marker on this section of the course is the “The Lake Street Walkway” and reads “This walkway rests on the bed of lower Lake Street over which sports cars raced in 1951 and 1952. It remains officially a Village Street.” This marker donated by: The Osthoff Resort (Historic Race Circuits of Elkhart Lake).