Chicago Region SCCA 2018 Annual Meeting
Per the Bylaws of the Chicago Region SCCA the Region Board of Directors (BoD) conducted their Annual Meeting on Wednesday November 28, 2018. The primary business of the meeting was to elect three new board members, thank the retiring members, and provide a business report summary for the membership. Retiring from the Board after two terms is Tracy Ramsey, while Erik Vandermey and Steve Laske have completed their first term. Newly elected to the Board is Roger Vilmur, and elected and returning to serve a second term are Erik Vandermey and Steve Laske.

Annual Meeting Reports:
Treasurer –The clubs finances are healthy, still need to continue working in some areas to improve financial performance.
Competition –In 2018 the Region sanctioned one National and two Divisional Road Races and co-sanctioned the CenDiv Drivers School / Double Divisional Race. Financial results returned a positive profit margin. The Competition Committee begun a detailed analysis of participation of Region events over the past 5 years to identify opportunities for development.
Solo –The group held eight events with a successful financial outcome. Work is continuing on the purchase of a new Solo Trailer to replace the existing 20 year old unit. The Solo group has also begun planning for their 50thAnniversary in 2021.
Track Days –Had a successful year with six events held, and one private event contracted for Grand Subaru. Also a Time Trial Event was held in conjunction with the Fall Sprints Road Race at Blackhawk Farms.
Rally –The Region hosted two successful Social Rally/Tours this year with entries around 40 cars each.
Social Media –Work has continued to update and improve the Chicago Region Web-site, and our electronic newsletter Piston Patter. Our presence on Face Book has grown and provided a positive return.
Fun Committee –The committee has identified their mission for the Region to support and help create an improved social environment. The three specific items the Committee is working on are, the continued celebration of “Seven Decades of Motorsports”. The Checkered Flag Party at Lake Forest Sports Cars, and our “Concours for Sports Cars” at the Geneva Concours benefiting the LIVINGWELL Cancer Resource Center, in Geneva, Illinois.
Street Survival –We hosted two Street Survival Events where teenage drivers learn car control. We had 20 cars for each event with a positive outcome.
Regional Executive –Chris Gregor expressed his appreciation to everyone in the club for their support and participation.
After the business portion of the meeting was concluded the BoD took the opportunity to recognize our long term members who have reached an identified milestone year of continuous membership. While on this recognition path the Board also recognized our hard working volunteer committee members. This recognition is all part of the Regions commitment to honor and thank our most valued assets, our members.
Peter Jankovskis our newly elected Area 5 Director was unable to attend the gathering because he was flying to Kansas City for orientation meetings on Thursday at SCCA headquarters in Topeka. Peter would like to thank everyone for their support in the election, and he said he will his best to support the Regions and help them grow.
Following the presentations everyone had the chance to go out and visit the bar to pick up a free beverage of their choice. Following the break there was a video presentation of a Steve McQueen documentary “The Making of Bullitt and Le Mans”. Everyone appeared to enjoy the movie, the drinks and the comradery of the group.
The Region would also like to thank K-1 Speed, 2381 W Army Trail Rd, Addison, IL 60101 for providing the venue. K-1 is very generous to the Region with providing meeting space for us during the year. If you’re looking for that special gift or just want to have some off-season racing fun support one of our sponsors and contact K-1 Speed (630) 433-3700 and enjoy.