Author: Website Editor

In Memoriam

John Bycraft, III

Our condolences go out to John’s wife, children, and grandchildren. John was a member of Chicago Region for over 61 years.

On the Green Stuff

As the year comes to an end our first thoughts are to recap 2018. When we asked our fellow volunteers what they are taking forward into the New Year one reoccurring theme is prevalent...

In Memoriam

Dave Wheeler

We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Dave Wheeler. He was a great friend and supporter of SCCA, Central Division and fellow members. We have lost a rare talent but are all better for having known him.

2019 SCCA National Convention

Temperatures have dropped and the snow is starting to pile up! It’s that time of year where we all cozy up at home for our favorite winter activities- hot chocolate drinking, fireside sitting, and booking travel for the 2019 SCCA National Convention!

On the Green Stuff

Marketing is the unsung, unrecognized yet vitally important cog in the presentation of events.

Street Survival School for Teen Drivers

Street Survival schools are for teen drivers to learn car control. They help them learn how to make good driving decisions and react quickly. The format allows these young drivers to experience and practice different maneuvers they most likely have never experienced.

Once Upon A Wire Wheel

The following is the seventh in a series of articles recalling highlights from the Region’s beginnings through the first 50 years. This was written by Bernie & Norm Koglin with input from Fred Wacker, Bud Seaverns, and Burdie Martin to name a few.