Author: Steve Laske

Chicago Region SCCA 2018 Annual Meeting

Per the Bylaws of the Chicago Region SCCA the Region Board of Directors (BoD) conducted their Annual Meeting on Wednesday November 28, 2018.  The primary business of the meeting was to elect three new board...

Rushing Waters Fall Tour

The Chicago Region SCCA hosted our second back roads tour of the year on Saturday October 13. Thirty five cars entered the event, Miatas, Corvettes, Porsches, a Jensen-Healey and several other makes of sport and performance cars, all started the event under cool temperatures and cloudy skies.

Chicago Region at the 2018 Geneva Concours d’Elegance

The Geneva Concours d’Elegance is a first class event, the premier automobile concours in the Chicago area, now with a 14 year history. The concours is a celebration of the “Art of the Automobile” and a benefactor for the Living Well Cancer Resource Center, in Geneva, Illinois.

Chicago Region SCCA 2018 Fall Tour

No hype, no gimmicks, just another opportunity to get out and have “Fun with cars”. Save the date, Saturday, October 13, 2018 the next Chicago Region SCCA backroads tour.

Geneva Councours Gaining Momentum

This is it, the big event of the year, part of our celebration of our 70th anniversary. Don’t miss out on the fun, and an opportunity to spend an enjoyable day with friends, fantastic automobiles, and sharing our history with Geneva Concours observers.