Chicago Region SCCA Latest News

Kimberly’s Korner

Following the Schoolhouse Straight the first high speed straight of the 1951 / 52 race circuit the competitors approached at tight ninety degree right hand turn on to County P. This turn was named Kimberly’s Korner, yes Korner with a “K”.

November 2019 Remarks

The 2019 racing season is over and 2019 is almost over. I hope everyone has had a good year or at least a not so bad one. As a region, we are looking forward to a great 2020 and have already begun our planning and scheduling.

October 2019 Remarks

Most of us say that we are “passionate” about motorsports. What does that mean for many of us. That we will devote a ridiculous amount of time, money and effort to spend time in motorsports. From working a corner to road racing to track days there are different prices to pay.

In Memoriam

Nancy Lyon

With sadness, Chicago Region has lost a long time member Nancy Lyon

In Memoriam

Dean Read

With deep regrets that we inform you of the death of Dean Read

Wacker’s Wend

As the cars left town and drove south on South Lake Street headed towards Quit Qui Oc Golf Course they made a right turn at County J A. Just past this turn is Wacker’s Wend, named after Frederick G. Wacker Jr. the founder of the Chicago Region SCCA in 1948 and our first Regional Executive.