Author: Steve Laske

Dickens’ Ditch

This historic marker located on County Highway “P” just south of the intersection of Cty P and Lake Side Park Road for Dickins’ Ditch reads “Named for Robert “Sid” Dickens who raced in an MG-TC. Ted Boynton lost concentration here in 1952 resulting in an excursion into a blueberry patch.”

Chicago Region Social Gathering – October 16, 2019

The Chicago Region SCCA held our first fall membership gathering on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the WeatherTech Factory Store. The event was open to members and non-members alike and it was held in the beautiful WeatherTech employee lunch room in the building next door to the Factory Store.

Kimberly’s Korner

Following the Schoolhouse Straight the first high speed straight of the 1951 / 52 race circuit the competitors approached at tight ninety degree right hand turn on to County P. This turn was named Kimberly’s Korner, yes Korner with a “K”.

Wacker’s Wend

As the cars left town and drove south on South Lake Street headed towards Quit Qui Oc Golf Course they made a right turn at County J A. Just past this turn is Wacker’s Wend, named after Frederick G. Wacker Jr. the founder of the Chicago Region SCCA in 1948 and our first Regional Executive.

The Lake Street Walkway

Just as the race cars passed Seibkens the course took a downhill hard left followed by a right sweeper that passed along the eastern shore of Elkhart Lake.

Cheese, Wine, and Beer Tour “Due” x2

Weather was not a factor this time, sunny and warm, (rather hot by the end of the day) but very nice overall. There were three recommended stops on the tour allowing participants to sample and pick up cheese, wine or beer.