Category: General

Racing History Visits the 2023 Checked Flag Party

This year for the Chicago Region’s 75th Anniversary Celebration the party was back at Ferrari Lake Forest and again like in the past Rick opened the showroom to allow us to walk among the Ferrari’s and other special cars.  This year just as in the past we also had a car on display.  In keeping with the historical theme of display vehicles Tom Simpson shared his 1966 McKee MK VI CanAm car with us. 

2021 Chicago Region SCCA, Triple Crown Award

The Chicago Region, SCCA, Triple Crown® award recognizes consistent outstanding performance by SCCA racers during a single year, starting with a win at the Chicago Region June Sprints®. The 2021 Triple Crown Award went to four drivers: David Daughtery, BSpec, Indianapolis Region; Tim Day Jr., P2, San Francisco Region; Andrew Whitston, FV, Milwaukee Region; and Sven de Vries, F500, Saginaw Valley Region.

2022 Checkered Flag Party

Our 2022 event on February 19th will be at the Klairmont Kollections facility. The Klairmont Kollection is a private collection of over 350 beautiful vehicles together with a large banquet room for our dinner.

John McGill Award

Chicago Region & the John McGill Award

The Sports Car Club of America has recognized SCCA Road Race Regions who persevered through the 2020 pandemic by presenting them with the “John McGill Award” for significant contribution to the Club Racing Program. The recipient of this award is chosen by the Club Racing Board and the head of Road Racing.


As you may know, the CDC’s interim guidance suggests the postponement of events involving more than 50 people. It is the Chicago Region SCCA’s priority to do our part in protecting the public health while still planning and conducting our scheduled competition, driving, and social events.

Checkered Flag Party 2020

If you did not have a chance to attend this years Checkered Flag Party, you missed an excellent Region social get together to thank its members for their club participation in 2019 and to kick off the Region’s 2020 season.